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Are There Alot of Cheaters in Black Ops 4

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Why do pc gamers cheat so much?

  • Thread starter FMX
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  • #51
Because cheaters are idiots. If you can't win with keyboard and mouse, you're an absolute idiot.
Bernd Lauert
Apr 15, 2018
  • #53
Console players still thinking there is no cheating on consoles...
Sarcastic Shade GIF by Mariah Carey
May 18, 2020
  • #54
Black ops 2 had *insane* amounts of cheating on consoles. So much the superior experience was on PC, because of dedicated servers and TAC/VAC protection.
There's still plenty of cheating on consoles with various devices and techniques.

I'm not sure why everyone brings up a console from 2 generations ago every time there's a discussion about cheating on console. There's no need to play semantics here, people are clearly referring to current day gaming.

It kills me cause BO2 is my favorite COD of all time and not being able to play it due to cheaters hurts, but it really adds nothing to the conversation to bring it up.

Nov 5, 2017
  • #55
I play online 99 percent of my playtime and the only time I remember seeing cheating within the last decade was in world war z because everything is client sided.

OP just suck at gaming and blames it on cheating. Seriously cheating on pc is so ridiculously overrated.

The most ironic thing is that I actually cheated on console with a Xim apex. I know it was wrong but damn it was so great.



do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Mar 31, 2011
  • #56
Because, its super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Like the X360 was a joke of a system.
All you needed to hack games on that system was a PC and USB drive (sometimes) and a USB cable. (From scratch hacks i should say)

Its become much more rampant now because now these cheaters on PC dont even have to do any work, they can just buy the cheats and theyll even have a nice UI and all dat.

So basically its because they can and its easy.
Even with controller mods and all.....same thing, they can and its easy.

Also some level of very low self esteem must be in play when you gonna spend real money on a cheat to play a multiplayer game.
I can respect someone making the cheats themselves (barely) but just buying the cheats?

Apr 16, 2021
  • #58
Obviously they do it, because they want to win.

But I'll never understand the appeal off winning by cheating.

Especially knowing that you're ruining the experience for others and yourself really, as you're not learning the game or improving as a player.

  • #59
Way to blow this subject completely out of proportion, some people in here act like they play against 10 aimbotters in every match they play when in reality its like 1-2 cheaters every 10-15 hours in my 2200 hour BF4 experience on PC for example.
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  • #60
Wait until you hear about people in real life, especially in the stock market and even more the rich.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
  • #61

Many console shooters are completely unplayable because cheating is so prevalent and easy. Look at this fucking thing.
Aug 3, 2021
  • #62
There was a time on PC, when games would give the community, all the tools to create and manage a server.
This meant that gamers would create their clans, buy a server, set up rules and the tools to enforce it.
Although humans can also be tricked by cheaters, it's much harder to do, than to fool some piece of software.
But nowadays, companies refuse to give gamers the tools necessary to manage their own servers and fight against cheaters.
If you want to blame someone, for the proliferation of cheaters, it's game companies.
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  • #63
It seems like every multiplayer shooter gets overwhelmed by cheaters on the pc. I am not saying that it doesn't happen on consoles but the pc guys take it to another level. Devs now have to use resources to prevent cheating. Having said that are the cheaters exploiting something the developers slipped on?

really? this is very surprising, i've virtually never had a problem with cheaters. played a lot of BF4, which is an old game now, and many non-shooter games.
  • #64
There will always be human beings who will exploit any system in life for personal gain no matter how trivial.

But as winjer points out the means to manage and contain this behaviour has been removed and put in the hands of corporations who lose interest over time.

  • #65
they dont have to pay for online and alot of the games are free to play
  • #66
I think some reasons for it are actually quite relatable.
1. Experimenters. People get bored and want to mess around with the game, mod it and break it for a laugh. Don't care if they are banned, they are quitting either way.
2. Everyone else is doing it. You feel like it is already rampant or common, so you get frustrated and join in. (eg, this game is a bit dark at night, surely every other player has their brightness turned all the way up.)
3. Revealing the truth to the masses. This game is a broken, stupid waste of time. To reveal the truth I'm going to hack the hell out of it in the most obvious way possible. Maybe then the devs will fix it!


Doesnt need recognition
Nov 19, 2020
Nov 19, 2018
Mar 6, 2018
  • #70
Because game genie and pro action replay didn't exist at a time when online play was possible on consoles.
  • #71
It's actually surprising how little pc gamers cheat after taking into consideration how accessible cheating is.

Let's face it, if there was a usb stick that console gamers could plug in and get auto aim, wall hacks etc. there wouldn't be enough usb sticks in the world to cover the demand.

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Mar 14, 2020
  • #72
Lack of fulfillment in life outside of the game is the core driver.
  • #73
I'm ignorant of such things as I don't play multiplayer. But I have a question about it. How much does keyboard and mouse play into this? I play FPS on PC because it is much easier to move and aim. Is this a factor when console gamers play against PC gamers?
Aug 29, 2014
  • #74
It's simply because they can.
  • #75
I'm ignorant of such things as I don't play multiplayer. But I have a question about it. How much does keyboard and mouse play into this? I play FPS on PC because it is much easier to move and aim. Is this a factor when console gamers play against PC gamers?
I think it does, a little. Skill cap is just much higher with mouse aim. High-skilled players get accused of hacking all the time, and that feeling that others are hacking or that they just can't compete drives some to hacks.
  • #76
The truly sad thing is 9 out of 10 players who cry hax are just absolute shitters who cannot accept that they really are just that bad.

PC gaming is one of the best examples of the dunning kruger effect.

Jan 27, 2017
  • #77
I've encountered more cheaters on ps4 with those aimbot controllers than on PC.
How did you spot them? Assuming they are using it by the kill cams?
Aug 29, 2010
  • #78
"If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying."
happy smackdown live GIF by WWE
Jun 23, 2013
  • #79
Because they can.
Only reason people don's seem to cheat as much on consoles it's because it's harder, the easy cheats are still abundant like those things to compensate recoil that sell at walmart, like the chronus zen or somthing i think one is called.

That being said, the most funny shit i've seen recently was people using scripts for tekken doing auto low parrys and blocks on PC, what a bunch of bitches.

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Jun 30, 2016
  • #80
I dealt with so much cheating back when I played a lot of Starcraft, Halo and PSO online.

These days, I just get accused of cheating all the time lol.

Dec 9, 2012
  • #81
Many console shooters are completely unplayable because cheating is so prevalent and easy. Look at this fucking thing.

as shitty as it is, this device is actually pretty impressive
Jun 24, 2014
  • #82
There is a device you can buy at walmart that lets you cheat on yeah, cheating isn't just a PC thing.
  • #83
Because when they say "cheaters never win": what they mean is that cheaters lose respect and support from others. No one likes tyrants.

Otherwise the cheater does in fact have the edge.

Put it this way. In the mind of a cheater why play a game that simulates the power fantasy over NPCs, when you can dunk on dem fools online, with little push back?

May 13, 2011
  • #84
Cheaters are a plague on all online games, both on Console and PC. PC cheaters have even more tools at their disposal, developers and publishers need to get serious about this issue across the board. This is something console and PC players should unite on, along with devs and publishers.
May 15, 2014
  • #86
No more third party community servers. Makes it too easy. I banned cheaters within 15sec of them entering a server I was admin of. Spectating was still an option to easily figure it out. Done deal and back to the game.
Oct 3, 2017
  • #87
  • #88
Never cheating on MP games. That is silly.
But i do use trainers and cheats for SP only.
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  • #89
Because humans exploit weaknesses in systems for competitive advantage. It's in our dna.
  • #90
Are PC players cheating a lot? Or do scrubs see cheaters everywhere because of the actual skill disparity?
  • #91
This brings me back to the days when I was playing some Counter Strike (yes, the original one).
Went to a random server, kicked ass (I was on a roll that day!) and of course some others cried "cheater/hacker!" - because I was able to anticipate that they'd come out of the same tunnel they came out of the last 5 rounds in a row.

Obviously, all who wined were in the bottom of their respective teams.

Those were the days...

To answer the actual question, you can (generally) find more cheaters on PC multiplayer because it is easier to cheat on PC as many others have said.
Makes no sense to speculate further, this really is the one and only reason.

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Mar 28, 2021
  • #92
i play online a lot and have yet to encounter a cheater. not even had one who i think could've been a cheater. not saying there are no cheaters but it's not as common as you'd like to think.
Never cheating on MP games. That is silly.
But i do use trainers and cheats for SP only.
cheating is fine for single player games. if it makes the game more fun for you and you're not harming anyone elses experience then i don't see the problem. i'ved used trainers/cheats/mods too. off the top of my head the original Dark Souls. i couldn't be arsed farming materials to increase gear so just hacked them in. nobody was harmed and i got through the game. i still use cheats in GTA V when playing offline but i wouldn't cheat in GTA Online or any other mp game.
There is a device you can buy at walmart that lets you cheat on yeah, cheating isn't just a PC thing.
remember all those devices/discs you could buy for nintendo/playstation consoles. i know they aren't a thing anymore but yeah consoles aren't cheat free. i've actually done most of my cheating on consoles such as hacking pokemon or weapons in GTA :messenger_tears_of_joy: (i only cheat on PC when playing SP/offline before anyone starts...)
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Oct 4, 2011
  • #94
I play online 99 percent of my playtime and the only time I remember seeing cheating within the last decade was in world war z because everything is client sided.

OP just suck at gaming and blames it on cheating. Seriously cheating on pc is so ridiculously overrated.

The most ironic thing is that I actually cheated on console with a Xim apex. I know it was wrong but damn it was so great.

Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office

People look for easy excuses as to why they lose in a match and it's easier to blame cheating than it is skill. Of the thousands of hours of playing so many multiplayer PC games over the last 15 years, it's only a handful of times that cheating was rampant. No different than my experience on my consoles.

And it's so easily identified on PC that you can just quit and (back in the day) ignore those servers that had those problems. People's aversion to server selections now actually makes avoiding cheaters more difficult if you find yourself in a game with the same players.

I'd wager maybe close to 5-10% of the player base cheat at most with that number being closer to 5% than anything. It's just amplified more so you think it's more common.

Also, games being free to play incentivize people to attempt it more because the cost of re-entry is to create a new free account. More stringent anti-cheat should be policed across the board on all platforms though, as the rare time you do run into a cheater can really sour your whole experience with a franchise if you are new to it.

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Mod of War
Oct 23, 2018
  • #95
Reboot this thread in a general terms and not a war inviting angle.
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Are There Alot of Cheaters in Black Ops 4
