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what to do when employees have an affair

I am having an thing with my instructor from school

Question - (31 May 2006) 21 Answers - (Newest, 12 March 2010)
A female United Kingdom, bearding writes:

about iii months ago i received a telephone phone call from a teacher at my school, telling me that i was invited to a revision session. When i got there however, it was just me and my teacher as the others couldn't make information technology at such short find. We began talking, and he then asked me to stay for dinner. I did becuase my parents were away for the weekend, and he gave me vino to drink with the dinner. I retrieve that we both drank a bit too much, just he suddenly told me that he loved me. I have had feelings for this teacher for a long time, becuase he is a friend of a friend and i frequently encounter him out of school, and he is very handsome, and he is always helping me and being kind to me and looking out for me then i said i loved him too. One affair led to another, and the next thing i know is that i am having sex with him. I left his firm the following 24-hour interval, later on having had sex three times. This happened over a weekend, and when i went to school on the monday, he kept looking at me, and slightly flirting with me, and i was so turned on. he asked me to stay backside after the lesson, and we went to his function, and most had sexual activity there. We were kissing and cuddling, simply were scared nosotros would exist interrupted. He told me that i had been the best he had ever had, and that he was glad that he had met me and that he was madly in love with me. I love him so much that i told him i felt the same. I gave him my mobile number, and nosotros kept texting each other, and we talk online, and type whilst masturbating. nosotros have had total on sex seven more times since so, and my feelings go along growing stronger each time. I know that our relationship is incorrect, merely i am in too deep, and too inlove to break it off. im leaving his school in a calendar month then i wont exist jeopodising his career will i? i really demand some advice, because i have never felt similar this before...

View related questions: thing, flirt, kissing, my teacher, text

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (12 March 2010):

I call back he'southward taking advantage of y'all because you're young. I know y'all beloved him (or recall you exercise) but this is not right. Y'all said it yourself. And why should you exit in order to salve his career? Information technology is his responsibleness in the commencement place. And do your parents know almost this? I don't know how involved your parents are in your life merely if I were a parent I would like to know. That teacher is not a man if you lot enquire me, he is (ane) taking advantage of you (manipulating your emotions) and (2) he is non even homo enough to "acknowledge" his love for you to the others (parent and schoolhouse officials involved). If he loves you so much, why keep it hiding? Again I think he's using you and you're gonna cease up with a cleaved heart or maybe fifty-fifty a disease. As a future teacher what he is doing upsets me very much. Equally to y'all, you lot are a victim, and y'all volition proceed to be one until you realize it. I wish you lot the best.

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A female reader, bearding, writes (5 March 2010):

Information technology's not expert to be in this deep. I'm in a like situation, except my teacher is married. And but so you lot know, HE'South jeapordizing his career, not you. My teacher has already been accused several times of having an affair with me, and it's just a giant mess at present. He could go to jail for a long, long time for doing this with you. I say go out... Fast. Don't make my mistake.

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A female person reader, anonymous, writes (27 Feb 2010):

i had a sexual human relationship with my instructor and it was great. my headmaster plant out and said it was fine aslong equally information technology wasnt in school fourth dimension. we had a great time, and loved each other. But in the cease, information technology didn't work out cos of where i was in my life. I have been left with a actually bad reputation at my school and now deceit return because everyone knows. It was fun at the fourth dimension, but was it worth the sex? im not certain

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (25 February 2010):

That is a actually hard ane to answer.... You ARE putting his job at risk past having this affair, and you demand to be SOO conscientious with what y'all are getting yourself into. I know that you said you love him, just y'all need to be careful that he is non a predator, and that he is not taking advantage of y'all. I honestly believe that you lot should wait until your a scrap older, to encounter if this is what yous really want, and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE exist conscientious!! Think most how erstwhile you are, and how erstwhile he is.... How long have y'all known him? Are you sure that yous can trust this man? Have a good long recall near it, and think about whether your certain that this is what you lot want. If you feel that it is advisable to approach him and discuss this outcome with him, then do that. If you experience that you lot should break up with him, and then practise it. Exist assertive, and if he does anything to brand you feel uncomfortable, then tell someone directly away. Don't allow it get out of hand, and Please be careful!!!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 February 2010):

Uhm. I understand you think you are in love because he'southward hot. But a grown man having continous sexual activity with a young female pupil is icky. But trust me I know how you feel, my current instructor who I accept a little crush on almost told me he loved me, but I walked away! You demand to report him and realize he's not equally expert as you call back he is, in fact he'southward a pedophile! Sorry, hope everything works out!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 November 2009):

Hey,Then you never mention how old y'all, but when you lot say he's a teacher, information technology sent up ruddy flags in my volume. He's already jeopardizing his job past having a sexual relationship with you. My friend was having an affair with his gay teacher, and it only caused him more than heartache than happiness. It'due south hard but you're gonna have to motion on. You need to tell him y'all no longer want to be in a relationship with him-drop his class if you can, defriend him, cake his number-do any. If he actually cared about you lot, he'd look until you were legal. The fact that he gave you lot vino and seduced you when you were intoxicated is beyond wrong. Y'all Demand to written report him-trust me, he'll find another kid. After my friend broke it off with our teacher (he refused to written report him) the teacher moved on earlier he was caught. Tell someone, please.

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A male reader, furby12314United States  +, writes (21 November 2009):

Hey,Then you never mention how quondam you, but when you say he's a teacher, it sent up carmine flags in my volume. He;s already jeopardizing his task by having a sexual relationship with yous. My friend was having an thing with his gay teacher, and information technology only caused him more than heartache than happiness. It's hard simply you're gonna take to move on. You demand to tell him you lot no longer desire to exist in a relationship with him-drop his form if y'all can, defriend him, cake his number-do whatever. If he actually cared nigh you, he'd expect until you were legal. The fact that he gave you wine and seduced you lot when you were intoxicated is beyond wrong. Yous NEED to report him-trust me, he'll discover some other child. After my friend broke it off with our teacher (he refused to report him) the instructor moved on before he was caught. Tell someone, please.

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A female reader, suzi_qUnited Kingdom  +, writes (10 September 2009):

i have had an affair with a married 39 year erstwhile instructor, it didnt happen similar you would expect, it started on glances at both parts, and nosotros felt we understood each other and for ages nosotros wud jus meet and chat almost music and everything really...go for walks no sexual contact autonomously from kissing and holding easily, when we did eventualy accept sex activity it was six months later on. it was magical to me and i remember information technology was to him and nosotros did genuinly love each other and when your so in honey its hard to remember the wife you'd be hurting but she was also having an affair with someone else from what i empathise. in schoolhouse time, nosotros wud meet in his class jus to conversation nothing more, annihilation else happened exterior of school, my god he made me experience happy and in my life ive had alot of problems and i thought now i cud exist happy but even then i understood that every bit he said he could never leave his wife and i was happy with that....why god was i?.....was it because i felt wanted? because i finaly found someone who thought like me, he also helped me get over an eating disorder and self harming problem, we were and then close.....but then it happened, he turned on me equally though he resented me, he'south charge me of things, control me, threaten me, tell other people things nearly me, bring up my past bug confronting me i was in a human relationship with him for two years earlier this started and for the last year i havent been able to walk away even though ive apparently started being used, he actually does care for me similar dirt, PLEASE WALK Away, DONT Stop UP Like ME, unless someone has actualy been in this position they cannot mayhap sympathize, merely judge, let me tell you what i have learned,affairs, their wrong pure and simple....i could easily become and tell the world about whats happened simply i wont, considering i know he loves his wife and even though she had an matter herself im not going to become in between them two, teachers and pupils should remain pupils and teachers, they ARE in duty of trust and my god i regret everything i did that changed that between me and this teacher, the concluding year has been hell for me and perhaps i deserve it, but please walk abroad before you get injure considering you will, i didnt retrieve i would but i did and then much.i am and then guilty and i deserve to be.....and i am to much of a coward to walk away however much i desire to because im scared of what will happen if i walk away,DONT Exist LIKE ME WHO IS A COWARD,Walk abroad from this.....make a new life for yourself and be happy.....please

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A male person reader, anonymous, writes (xv June 2009):

In my humble view, if this guy actually cares for yous than he'll probably support your decision to leave. Merely what do I know? I've never been in a relationship. Or fifty-fifty had sex. Become squad Jacob!

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A female person reader, mysterious_blonde_ladyUnited Kingdom  +, writes (6 June 2009):

I'k non sure what advice you are request for? seems more similar y'all are broadcasting your life or more simply 'attention seeking'.

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A female person reader, Kate.United Kingdom  +, writes (half-dozen September 2008):

If you are leaving or have left schoolhouse and then what's the problem?And can I ask how information technology all properly started?

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A female person reader, anonymous, writes (26 June 2008):

I haven't myself been in relationship with a teacher but i have been in love with 1 or two. I actually told one of them my feelings (not an offer of sex activity at all by the style) and he really took it really well. He declined of course, but said he sensed it for a while. I had been in love with him for ages and it has taken a long fourth dimension for me to build that span to get over him (not that i'thousand entirely over him, truth be known). i never had sexual practice on my mind, actually, when it came to him. I just wanted to get to know him, simply not exactly Only like a friend, if you get what i mean. He is a younger instructor which makes him easy to go on with.My point is, i agree that if he is using you lot for sex only and if he has a partner of some sort, then fair enough that it is incorrect. But hypothetically, if yous and a single instructor go about getting to know each other and even fall in love like your "average couple" would do, you lot guys tin still have as much of a chance of happiness every bit anyone else. When sex comes into it, it will become delicate, however in my opinion if he does not pressure you in any way and want to do it as well, it should exist ok.i know some won't agree with what i am maxim at all and some area in what i am saying notwithstanding needs farther justification to understand my point of view. I just believe that, once more, if everything is generally similar a normal relationship, and then the title of a "Instructor" should be less of a priority, espciall when it comes to finding happiness which each and every one of us looks for in our lives.Thanks.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 June 2008):

well I guess its not a crime BUT, wat is the age divergence?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (20 Jan 2008):

I was in love with my instructor at school and 10 years afterward I all the same have feelings for him, I saw him recently at a reunion and he kept staring at me and hugged me for a bit too long. I am friends with him on myspace and notice information technology hard not to confess my feels but he is married with children and I don't desire that on my conscience. Anyhow I know how you feel but you have got to terminate this before someone gets hurt, more than probable yourself!

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A female person reader, bearding, writes (19 December 2007):

What everyone has been saying here is true, though I know that when you have potent feelings for someone information technology'due south hard to have the advice - even if deep downwards you know it'south truthful. But from what you have written, it actually does wait similar he has used you lot for sexual activity. Kissing, cuddling, sex tin can be amazing - and may make you truly believe he loves you. Only would you be able to spend time together without this? Just talking and doing day to day things. It seems that even if you could practise this, he could non. The first fourth dimension you met up with him alone you concluded up having sex with him the aforementioned nighttime. It isn't e'er the teachers mistake in these sort of situations, but here I recollect he has led you to beleive he is in love with you, for the sake of having sexual activity. THIS is what is completely wrong. Information technology seems that his sweet nothings have gotten way out of hand, you've had sexual activity with him ten times and no sign of a stable and secure relationship. It's going to be hard to get out of this relationship, until you see things differently to the way yous exercise now you'll permit him, go abroad with information technology. Non your fault - dear/lust do crazy things. Just I actually should try and be stiff and break it off. If yous arne't ready, and then at least promise yourself no more sex - see if he can provide y'all with a stable, loving, secure relationship before yous become there again. Just, and you lot won't want to hear this, I take my doubts that he'll ever be able to provide you with this. Expert luck, and let usa know how it goes. :) Natalie 30

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (2 April 2007):

i am 15 and terminal yr i met the most amazing person in my life, the just dwnfall was he was my teacher, i was reli close 2 iim and fifty-fifty went on a skl trip 2getha, he always stared at me and flirted with me, and when he did he made me the happiest prsn in the world, bcoz he is my life. the only fing is, he has a gf, if he didnt i would give him my number when i exit becuase i love him more than anything, hes all thats ever in my head and he means the world to me, and i can come across he likes me 2. in that trip he was e'er tryin to talk 2 me and fifty-fifty stred at me on the coach wen i was closing my eyes, pretendin to fall asleep to c if he watched. if u feel the same equally me i relli fink u r luki u av the prsn u dearest n that is all that counts, id love to take him but he doesnt teach me anymore and although e stil flirts north stares we r not equally close every bit nosotros used 2 b wen i had him which reli upsets me, anyhow gd luk 20

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A female person reader, JaDeSlifeUnited Kingdom  +, writes (1 April 2007):

howdy im 14 im very addicted of my science teecher and terminal year i hated his guts ,he stared at me constantly and always walked into me and once he purposly felt my bum whilst taking my chair .my all-time mate was outraged and said i needed to tell sum1 -i didnt .however i had a student teacher for a while and when i got him bak i relised tht i qwite liked him.i flirted wiv him and he showed it bk.this year i was luki enuff to go him over again , and i concluded upwardly having sex with him in extra not saying information technology is gd to hav a relationship infact i am pretty disgusted wiv myself equally he is older than my dad -he is 36 . i dont love him and he is married but lust is a powerful affair .ppl wud say he is a predaor due north peodophile but he didnt make me/lure me i fabricated my feelings qwite clear so why does every1 blame the teecher

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A male person reader, bearding, writes (2 June 2006):

wrong, incorrect, wrong, UR Incorrect - HIS WRONG ! Yous've fallen into the sterotypical American instructor trap. His behaviour is not only disgusting and unprofessional; it'southward totally reprehensible. Y'all should be more than concerned with reading books and writing essays than getting your panties off with the nearest authorization figure you can lay your hands on - what are you? Got no respect for yourself or what? Or are you trying to guarantee that A percentile with some extra curricula activity. He is an immoral beast and should be disqualified, sacked and imprisoned for using his position to get sexual favours from empty-headed ill informed students. Kick him to the adjourn, buy some self-R-East-Due south-P-East-C-T from the local vii-eleven at whatsoever trashy role of Outer Knoxville that you live in and cease your didactics - and I mean your scholastic education not your pedagogy in how to exist a cheap slut. Written report THIS PAEDOPHILIC S-O-B TO THE Police AND THE LOCAL EDUCATION Dominance As Presently Every bit You lot READ THIS

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (1 June 2006):

Aye he IS jeopardising his career, as you are a student there Now. Even so, that's not what'smost important here. He is using yous, and you cant see it all the same. He just wants sexual activity. Think well-nigh it....when he invited you over for the revision session, it was with the thought that he could be having sex by the cease of the nighttime! The sooner y'all realise this the meliorate.

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A reader, sexylinzUnited Kingdom  +, writes (31 May 2006):

sexylinz agony aunt i agree with smeedle. This guy is using you lot! once he is bored he will cease you...or even before that if you get pregnant. yous seriously need to finish it. tell your parents...they volition be able to back up you through this and help you to encounter that what he is doing to yous is incorrect. fair enough they may exist angry at first merely they will ever be there to support y'all thy're your parents. its what they are there for. If you feel you cant talk to your parents, talk to an adult you trust but NOT the teacher. skillful luck xx

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A female reader, smeedleUnited Kingdom  +, writes (31 May 2006):

smeedle agony aunt What he is doing is wrong, both of you know this and both of you are putting his carreer at risk, which to my mind is a practiced thing as he needs to be sacked. I know people fall for each other but what he has done is given y'all drink, filled y'all full of ridiculouse notions of loving you and getting his fashion with you, in having sexual activity with you several times it proves information technology was not but a one off in the heat of the moment matter it was planned and sadly you lot barbarous into his trap. I would bet that you are not the first and will not be the last, lamentable this is harsh only in fourth dimension when he bores of you lot or feels he may get found out then you lot will exist dumped and you will non empathise why, he volition put his career before you everytime as this is what brings him his victims. Teachers are non pupils friends and are certainly not at that place lovers, they are in a position of trust. I would tell y'all to make certain you dont get pregnant but I bet he has sorted this out already and I bet he has asked you to non tell fifty-fifty your best mate, he wont stay with you for that im certain. Ditch him and report him!!

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