Save Water Secure the Future Drawing Images
(Save Water Slogans | Slogan on Water conservation) – Look around, you will see only water around you, needless to say, because you already know this well but 70% of the earth and 60% of the human body are also covered by water.
Now you say wow! We don't need to save water because God has given us so much. My dear friends, Keep in mind that, we can use only 1% of the world's water to drink. Only 1% or less of 70% of this world water is safe for the human body.
The total volume of water on Earth is estimated at 1.386 billion km³ (333 million cubic miles), with 97.5% being salt water and 2.5% being freshwater Of the freshwater, only 0.3% is in liquid form on the surface.
Now think, what would happen if this 1% water was not left on the earth? Human life will end soon, it will be destroyed. all Animals and birds will die, the whole earth will be destroyed. Do you understand now? How important is saving water?

There are many ways to raise awareness about the importance of saving water. For example, we can make Creative Slogans On Save Water Or Conserve water, that remind and inspire people to save rather than wastewater. The best thing about Slogans is that they are an effective tool for calling people to action. The effective water-saving slogan sheds light on what is beneficial about saving water and urges the public to ask that idea. At the end of the day, you need a statement that has a clear message and it will remain in people's minds for a long time.
Save water slogans in English | Save water quotes | Slogan on water conservation | Water slogans that rhyme
See all Slogan/ Quotes based on Save Water !!!
- Conserve water, conserve life.
- You never know the worth of water until the well runs dry.
- Save water, and it will save you.
- Save water, save a life
- Conserve water, conserve life
- No water, no life
- Water conservation rocks!
- Don't let life slip down the drain.
- How many drops make up an ocean? Conserve water; every drop counts.
- Don't flush our planet's most valuable resource.
- It takes a lot of blues to stay green.
- Waste water today, live in a desert tomorrow!
- When you save water, it saves you back.
- Don't flush our planet's most valuable resource.
- Do your share to care water.
- The wars of the twenty-first century will be fought over water.
- The water you pollute will find its way back to you.
- Conserve water, every drop counts!
- Save water today, use it tomorrow
- Destroy water, you destroy life.
- The World is thirsty because we are hungry
- Why use more than you need?
- One goal, one passion…water conservation
- If you save water, water will save you.
- Today's wastage is tomorrow's shortage
- It's time to realize, save water, and be wise.
- Water is the driving force of all nature.
- Even a drop can bring life! Save water!
- Saving water is in our hands.
- Gloomy or gay, save water every day
- If there is a will, there is a water conservation
- Feel the magic of water conservation.
- Use water but never waste water!
- Water is a gift from the creator, Protect it! Respect it!
- No matter, how rich you are, you can't live without water
- Fill the glass only as much you need, You will save a lot of water, that's Guaranteed!
- Be sure of any leakage, to avoid water seepage.
- If we don't learn to conserve, we'll all be fish out of water.
- Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.
- A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.
- Water Smarter!
- 4-minute shower, not a quarter-hour!
- Save water every day and keep disaster away
- Work sustainably, to save water daily.
- Be green like a pro, by conserving H20
- Don't be a fool, cover your pool
- Start water conservation, to prevent future dehydration.
- The water level is going low, act fast, and don't be slow
- Water is the soul of the earth, let's not separate them both
- Don't waste it, just taste it!
- Don't let life slip down the drain
- Get a grip, stop that drip
- Leaks make our future bleak
- The habit of saving water is the best habit
- Save water, it's our most valuable resource
- Save water, do your part
- Save water for your bright future
- Save water, it will save you later
- Come on guys, let's be water-wise.
- Stop the drip, to save the drop
- Water, a wonder liquid
- Water is sacred. Kindly save it.
- Water for the future generations… Priceless.
- Water, water everywhere but not a drop to drink.
- One drop could save our thirsty world! Conserve Water!
- Destroy water, you destroy life.
- Don't make nature cry, keep your water clean.
- Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children's lifetime.
- Save water for your daughter
- Save Water. Every drop counts
- A single drip can destroy many drops
- You don't know its true worth until it is gone. SAVE WATER.
- A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man.
- If water is Life, then why waste it?
- Water is a priceless gift of nature…Start saving it today, for a great future
- If you forget to save water today, water will forget you tomorrow
- Save the water here and there, don't waste it anywhere
- Water is life and conservation in the future, let's save lives through water conservation!
- A Gallon saved is a million earned
- Conserve water, conserve life.
- Water is the substance of life. Treasure it!
- Water is not the source of life, it is life.
- We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
- Water is a human right!
- Thank you water!
- 4-minute shower, not a quarter-hour!
- Save water every day and keep disaster away
- The less you use, the more you save
- Water preservation to prevent future devastation
- Be a Water Warrior / Hero / Wise.
- Save the water to drink so that tomorrow we may not stink.
- Water is life, treat it right!
- I am lucky, I have no worry no shrink. I have the water to drink
- When the tap runs without reason, You invite a deadly season.
- Let's walk on the sustainable path, Always take a zero-waste bath.
- Go to a desert to know the importance of water
- We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. Save Water!!
- Water-less planets have no life.
- a drop of drinking water is dearest to the wealth of worlds.
- The best gift you can give to the coming generation is water.
- SAVE WATER the world is in your hands.
- Save water, and it will save you.
- Nothing will be left here without water.
- A slogan on Water is a slogan on life.
- Water taught lessons that the rest of the world could not.
- What if you stopped drinking water?
- Our lives are on the brink, don't let water waste in the sink.
- Prevent water war in the future…Don't act foolish, be a little mature.
- Save water, it will save you later
- Come on guys, let's be water-wise.
- The less you use, the more you save
- Water preservation to prevent future devastation
- Be a Water Warrior / Hero / Wise
- Water is life, treat it right!
- Water wasting is disallowed.
- Save water today, Or stay thirsty tomorrow
- Save water, the world depends on it
- Save Water – it Does a Body Good
- Saving water can save the world.
- Water is the best medicine that cures all diseases instantly.
- No Water – No Life
- Life depends on water and water conservation depends on you!
- A water crisis is not just a myth, close the tap while brushing your teeth
- A water war is closer than you think, don't waste water, even when you blink
- A Drip can Destroy many Drops.
- If we don't learn to conserve, we'll all be fish out of the water, and You Know the Result!!
- Please Think and don't Waste Water in the Sink.
- Only wash a full load!
- Water wasting is disallowed.
- Every drop of water counts, let's save water in large amounts
- If you want to fulfill your tomorrow's wishes…Don't waste water while washing your dishes.
- Water conservation symbolizes life preservation.
- Save the sigh, Save the Green. Save Water and Stay Clean.
- Save the water sail the future. Waste the water fail the future.
- Make Shorter your showers to enjoy the water powers.
- Rich or poor, everyone needs water for sure
- If not now, then when? Save water before you see it end.
- Water is a priceless treasure, let's conserve it with all our pleasure
- No matter what is your size, saving water is always wise.
- Drip, drop, drip, drop. This kind of clock must be stopped.
- Nothing will be left here without water.
- A slogan on Water is a slogan on life.
- Water taught lessons that the rest of the world could not.
- It's time to care before the water is rare.
- Don't be late, to save water's fate.
- You have the power, to shorten your shower.
- Water is nature's daughter.
- Water, we just love you.
- Water is the certificate of our survival.
- Water, the beauty of nature
- Think Blue and go Green!
- It takes a lot of blues to stay green.
- If you wanna get rich, save water quickly.
- Keep it. Don't Cut It. Plant it & Preserve it. Deforestation is the death of life.
- WATER, the DNA of life.
- Save water and Protect Trees, Enjoy the Life and Walk Free
- Water = Life, Conservation = Future!
- There are no substitutes for water.
- Do the Earth a favor, Be a water saver
- Today's rainwater is tomorrow's lifesaver so think outside the sink!
- There is a number of ways to save water. And, they all start with you.
- Do your children a favor and save tomorrow's lifesaver. WATER!
- Water scarcity is the frailty of humanity.
- Save water for your children.
- The groundwater is the natural gift of God. It is obligatory upon us to Save it.
- How many drops make up an ocean? Conserve water; every drop counts.
- Imagine one day without water.
- Waste, not the drop.
- The groundwater is limited. Save every drop and don't waste it away.
- If You Save a Buck, I salute you with the best of Luck.
- Learning to think beyond the sink saves you to get ended in a wink.
- Clear the water, to get steer up to the future. Do this dear, have no fear in the near.
- Save it today, tomorrow you will get the best pay.
- Take Good care, before the planet goes bare.
- Make Shorter your showers to enjoy the water powers.
- The best gift you can give to the coming generation is water.
- SAVE WATER the world is in your hands.
- The wisdom lies inefficient utilization of groundwater.
- Save water, and it will save you.
- The beautiful People never waste the water.
- Water is the best master and Lifesaver.
- Stop the Might. Save the Groundwater that is the only right.
- Walk in the desert, you will realize the cost of Water.
- Water conservation is the habit of highly successful people.
- Learning to think beyond the sink saves you to get ended in a wink.
- Clear the water, to get steer up to the future. Do this dear, have no fear in the near
Save water slogans images & Graphics – Images On Save Water With Slogans
70+ Short Save Water Slogans | Water Slogans that Rhyme | Save Water Save Life Writing
The importance of saving water is not just trying to reduce utility bills. Without water, life would certainly not exist. Virtually everything on earth needs water for its food and we have to face difficult situations in the future only by misusing water.
On this, We are making a small try to make awareness about Water Conservation by Writing slogans on Save water, slogan on water conservation, Or Save Water Slogans That Rhymes, save water slogans Posters and Drawings On Save Water with slogan.
By reading this, if you really want to do something to save water, you can raise awareness about saving water by sharing our slogans with people.
- It's time to care before the water is rare.
- Don't be late, to save water's fate.
- The rainwater tank, won't break the bank.
- You have the power, to shorten your shower.
- Water is nature's daughter.
- Waste water dies faster!
- Conserve water, conserve life.
- Save water, avoid strife.
- Get a grip, stop that drip.
- Water is life, Treat it right!
- Water is life so don't hit your life.
- Save water before it's too late..
- Every drop counts!
- Let's be a water saver!!!
Shout Save Water Slogans | Rhyming Slogans On Save Water
- Life starts with water
- Save the Sea to See the Future.
- Every drop of water matters
- Pure water runs life!
- Save water, save a life
- Conserve water, conserve life.
- Wanted: Water in its natural form.
- Water is more precious than Gold.
- Save water to Get Saved in Later.
- You are 60% water. Save 60% of YOURSELF.
- I don't waste water – Do you?
- No water, no life.
- Water is life, treat it right!
- Water conservation rocks!
- Leaks make our future bleak
- Stop the drip, to save the drop
- Save water before it's too late.
- Water is a nice gift. Save it to get fit.
- Every drop counts!
- Every drop of water matters
- Pure water runs life!
- Give the gift of water.
- Work sustainably, to save water daily.
- Be green like a pro, by conserving H20
- Rich or poor, everyone needs water for sure.
- Feel the magic of water conservation
- Why use more than you need?
- It takes a lot of blues to stay green.
- Save water and tell others to do so
- Let's be a water saver!!!
- Life starts with water.
- Life is impossible without water
- You can't live without water
- We all have to save water
- Save water secure the future!
- Save it before you need it
- Save Water to Save this Planet.
- Water is the essence of life, save rainwater.
- Water is the soul of the earth, don't separate both.
- Keep the water crystal clear or your kids will shed a tear.
- Save water for your daughter.
- Keep calm & Love water
- Keep calm & Save (or) Conserve water
- Keep calm & take care of open water
- Keep calm & love water magic
- Keep calm & stop water pollution.
- Save the Sea to See the Future.
- If you save water, water will save you.
- Today's wastage is tomorrow's shortage
- Rich or poor, everyone needs water for sure.
- save the rain falling from the sky.
- Don't let it drain down the gutter
- Don't let the wells run dry,
- Never throw drinking water; always save to have it later.
- Start water conservation to prevent future dehydration.
- Water, Water Everywhere,
- soon it will be nowhere. Harvest the Rain
- No matter what is your size, saving water is always wise.
- Drip, drop, drip, drop, This kind of clock must be stopped
- Don't be a fool, cover your pool.
- Don't waste it, just taste it!
- 4-minute shower, not a quarter-hour!
- WATER, the DNA of life
- Save water! Your small step can be the major change.
- Be the real human being and save the water from your end.
- Teach your kids to respect water so that they can have it later.
- Water = Life, Conservation = Future!
- There are no substitutes for water.
- If not now, then when? Save water before you see it end.
- Water is a priceless treasure, let's conserve it with all our pleasure.
- Harvest rain, avoid pain
- Harvest the rain and reap the grain
- No rain, only pain
- Save it before you need it
- Save water today, use it tomorrow
- Don't forget to save the rain, Let's prevent tomorrow's pain
- Save water at least for your kids.
- Save water and save the life on the earth.
- Harvest rainwater,
- A drop harvested is a crop harvested.
- Save rainwater today to enjoy your tomorrow
- Rainwater harvesting system is a new status symbol
- Use your brain,
- to save water from the rain.
- Go green & Drink clean
- Use your brain to save water even from the rain.
- Without water you are nothing.
- Put a STOP to the Water DROP.
- Please stop that drip
- Slow the flow Save H2O
- Water Smarter!
- Be Water Wise!
- Be a Water Hero!
- Think outside the sink!
- Water is the best master and Lifesaver.
- Waste not the drop.
Save Water Slogans Posters | Save water posters | poster on save water with slogan
save water save life poster making
poster making on save water save life
poster making on save water save life
save water save life poster -
poster on save water with a slogan -
poster on water conservation with slogan -
Save Water Slogans Images :
short slogan on save water Images
Save Water Slogans Images -
Save Water Save Future Image -
Image Of Save Water Save Earth Slogans -
Conservation of water slogans image
Save Water Drawings | Save Water Slogans Drawing Sketch
Drawings On Save Water with Slogans -
Drawings On Save Water slogans -
Save Water Drawings with slogans -
Save Water Drawings with slogan -
Save Water Save Earth Drawings with slogans -
Save Water Save Life Drawings with slogans -
Save Water Nature Drawings with slogans -
Pic Credit @ pinterest
Save water Slogans Video
Save Water Slogans Graphics :

What is a good slogan for water?
You are 60% water. Save 60% of YOURSELF
What are the 5 slogans of Do not Waste water?
Go green & Drink clean
Use your brain to save water even from the rain.
Without water you are nothing.
Put a STOP to the Water DROP.
Please stop that drip Slow the flow Save H2O
How can we save water 10 lines ?
Try to reduce water meter usage
Turn off the water while washing your hair
Turn Off the water tap while hand wash
Ask your Kids to draw a picture about water conservation
Avoid using interesting water toys
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
Ask the children to collect rainwater
Wash Your Children's Dark Clothes in Cold Water
Ask the children to take a Shower Fastly
Conclusion :
The bottom line is that we have everything right now, so we overuse it or waste it. But the consequences will surely be felt by the next generation. So don't endanger the next generation by abusing what you have easily.
Water is life without WATER nothing will exist in this world. SO PLZZ SAVE WATER, SAVE FUTURE, SAVE NATURE AND SAVE YOURSELF….
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Save Water Secure the Future Drawing Images