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How to Set Continuous Shooting on Canon 5d Mark Iv

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Kit 24-70mm IS USM

Kamera EOS 5D Mark IV dibangun di atas warisan seri 5D yang sangat kuat, menawarkan penyempurnaan yang luar biasa dalam kualitas, kinerja dan fleksibilitas gambar. Komitmen Canon terhadap keunggulan imaging adalah jiwa dari EOS 5D Mark IV. Fotografer pernikahan dan potret, penembak alam dan lansekap, serta videografer kreatif akan menghargai kecemerlangan dan kekuatan yang diberikan oleh EOS 5D Mark IV. Kualitas gambar yang luar biasa dicapai dengan sensor full-frame 30,4 Megapixel Canon yang baru, dan video 4K yang sangat rinci ditangkap dengan mudah. Keakuratan fokus telah ditingkatkan dengan sistem AF 61 titik yang disempurnakan dan Dual Pixel CMOS AF revolusioner Canon untuk AF yang cepat dan mulus untuk pengambilan gambar video dan Live View. Operasi cepat ditingkatkan dengan Canon DIGIC 6+ Image Processor, yang memberikan pemotretan terus menerus hingga 7.0 fps *. Built-in Wi-Fi® **, GPS *** dan LCD panel sentuh yang mudah dinavigasi memungkinkan kamera menjadi perpanjangan dari Anda. Ketika kualitas penting, EOS 5D Mark IV membantu memberikan hasil untuk menginspirasi bahkan imagemaker yang paling cerdas sekalipun.

30,4 MP Full-Frame Sensor

Kamera EOS 5D Mark IV memiliki sensor CMOS berkecepatan tinggi dan full-frame yang menghadirkan gambar pernikahan, satwa liar, olahraga, dan lainnya yang indah. Dengan ukuran sekitar 36.0mm x 24.0mm, ukuran dan rasio yang sama dengan bingkai film 35mm , berukuran sekitar 30,1 Megapixels pada ISO normal hingga 32000. Ini juga menangkap klip video yang luar biasa dan klip video 4 K cocok untuk pengerjaan post-processing, retouching dan tanam Sensor brilian ini menambahkan kemampuan Dual Pixel CMOS AF juga, sehingga memungkinkan EOS 5D Mark IV untuk fokus dengan cepat dan akurat saat pengambilan gambar langsung, menangkap aksi saat terbentang. Pada tingkat cahaya serendah EV -4, Dual Pixel CMOS AF memungkinkan pelacakan AF dan AF otomatis terus menerus pada tingkat piksel di lebih banyak tempat dan lebih banyak situasi pencahayaan, meningkatkan keseluruhan operasi kamera untuk gambar diam yang tajam dan transisi transisi yang halus dan tepat ke dalam video.

30,4 MP Full-Frame Sensor

4K Video

Mampu merekam video 4K (Motion JPEG) standar Digital Cinema (DCI) dengan resolusi 4096 x 2160 piksel hingga 30 fps, EOS 5D Mark IV adalah kamera luar biasa untuk film, berita, pernikahan dan banyak lagi. Ini juga mampu merekam video Full HD hingga 60 fps dan video HD hingga 120 fps, dan mendukung format MOV dan MP4 untuk HD dan Full HD langsung dari kamera agar mudah distribusikan atau untuk digunakan dalam perangkat lunak pengeditan.

4K Video

Dual Pixel AF dengan Operasi Panel Sentuh

Menampilkan Pixel CMOS AF Ganda dan Sentuhan AF, yang EOS 5D Mark IV kamera memberikan cepat, halus AF seluruh 80% dari area gambar untuk pelacakan subjek yang sangat baik saat pemotretan video. Digunakan bersamaan dengan layar sentuh kamera, mudah untuk memilih lokasi dan ukuran bingkai AF, yang bisa sangat berguna bila subjek berada di luar pusat atau untuk pergeseran fokus yang dramatis.

Dual Pixel CMOS AF dengan Touch Panel Operation

Hingga 7.0 fps Continuous Shooting

Kamera EOS 5D Mark IV dirancang untuk menangkap aksinya. Sistem shutter yang luar biasa, advanced AF, exposure dan image processing membantu memastikan respon dan kinerja seketika hingga 7.0 fps **, bahkan pada resolusi penuh. Sistem Kontrol Getaran Cermin yang dioperasikan dengan cam dengan motor torsi tinggi membantu menekan dampak cermin untuk pengambilan gambar berkecepatan tinggi yang stabil, sementara sistem AF dan AE membantu memastikan pemaparan dan pelacakan fokus yang akurat, bahkan dengan kecepatan tinggi. Entah mengabadikan seekor burung dalam penerbangan atau tarian pertama ayah dengan mempelai wanita, kamera EOS 5D Mark IV memberikan kombinasi kinerja dan kualitas gambar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan fotografer tingkat lanjut.

Hingga 7.0 fps Continuous Shooting

Pengoptimal Lensa Digital dalam Kamera dan Koreksi Difraksi

Kamera EOS 5D Mark IV dilengkapi dengan sejumlah fungsi koreksi optik di dalam kamera, yang sebelumnya hanya tersedia dengan perangkat lunak Foto Digital Profesional, lebih jelas, kurang distorsi dan kurang banyak kejatuhan di sudut bingkai. Muncul dimuat dengan data penyimpangan tertentu ke lensa tertentu, membantu kamera EOS 5D Mark IV untuk memperbaiki gambar di dalam kamera tanpa penundaan sama sekali. Mampu mengoreksi kecerahan perifer dan penyimpangan kromatik, EOS 5D Mark IVjuga dilengkapi koreksi distorsi untuk membantu memperbaiki distorsi barrel dan pincushion dan koreksi difraksi untuk memperbaiki efek kabur dari difraksi yang dapat dibuat saat menangkap gambar pada aperture kecil. Dengan efektif mengkompensasi optik quirks dari lensa, EOS 5D Mark IV menghasilkan file bersih yang siap dicetak atau ditampilkan dengan cepat dan mudah.

Pengoptimal Lensa Digital dalam Kamera dan Koreksi Difraksi

150.000 piksel RBG + sensor metering IR

Untuk menentukan dan merawat eksposur yang tepat, terutama pada berbagai sumber cahaya dengan subjek bergerak, sistem iSA (Intelligent Scene Analysis) EOS 5D Mark IV memiliki sensor cahaya RGB + IR khusus dengan resolusi sekitar 150.000 piksel . Ini menyediakan kamera dengan analisis gambar yang cepat dan komprehensif. The EOS 5D Mark IVjuga menggabungkan Canon Intelligent Tracking dan sistem Recognition (ITR AF) yang mendeteksi dan melacak mata pelajaran, secara otomatis beralih titik AF untuk menjaga pelacakan subjek.

150.000 piksel RBG + sensor metering IR

ISO 100-32000 (dapat diupgrade menjadi 50-102400)

Menampilkan rentang ISO dari 100-32.000 (diupgrade ke 50-102.400), yang EOS 5D Mark IV kamera tumbuh subur di fotografi cahaya rendah. Apakah pemotretan di malam hari, dalam cuaca buruk atau bahkan di auditorium yang remang-remang, sensor kamera EOS 5D Mark IV memiliki rasio S / N yang disempurnakan ditambah dengan algoritma pemrosesan suara yang ditingkatkan untuk memberikan sensitivitas cahaya tingkat tinggi, tanpa mengorbankan kualitas gambar. Dalam cahaya rendah, atau saat menekan goncangan kamera sedikit, rangkaian ISO EOS 5D Mark IV yang diperluas membantu untuk unggul dalam berbagai situasi pencahayaan.

ISO 100-32000 (dapat diupgrade menjadi 50-102400)

61 Titik AF

The EOS 5D Mark IV memiliki sensor AF baru, dengan 61 titik AF yang meliputi area vertikal yang lebih luas dari gambar dari pendahulunya. Sistem AF ini memberikan akurasi dan kinerja yang sangat baik, dengan hingga 41 titik AF cross-type yang tersedia, dan AF presisi ekstra tinggi hingga 25 titik pada array AF (saat lensa aperture lebar digunakan). Sensitivitas cahaya rendah dari sensor AF ini juga meningkat, dengan titik pusat memberikan AF pada level turun ke EV -3. AF dengan tele extenders di apertures maksimum f / 8 juga sangat meningkat - AF dimungkinkan sampai pada semua 61 titik AF, ketika lensa tele Canon yang spesifik digabungkan dengan lensa tele Canon® III.

61 Titik AF

Teknologi Wi-Fi® terintegrasi

Berkat konektivitas Wi-Fi® built-innya ^, EOS 5D Mark IV dapat diatur dengan mudah untuk dioperasikan dari jarak jauh, dengan kontrol pengaturan kamera pilih dari perangkat mobile yang kompatibel. Image review dan transfer cepat dan nyaman, bahkan tanpa harus mengeluarkan kamera dari tasnya.

Teknologi NFC yang terpasang di dalamnya

Teknologi NFC (Near Field Communication) terintegrasi membantu menyediakan kamera EOS 5D Mark IV dengan koneksi yang hampir mulus ke perangkat Android ™ yang kompatibel ^^. Cukup tekan untuk menghubungkan dan mentransfer gambar dan video. Ini juga kompatibel dengan perangkat Canon Connect Station CS100, yang mempermudah fotografer dan pembuat film untuk melihat dan mengatur semua foto dan video mereka dari satu perangkat yang terhubung.

Fungsi Nirkabel yang Disempurnakan

Fitur Fitur Canon Log Feature Upgrade

Kamera EOS 5D Mark IV bisa menjadi alat pembuatan film yang lebih canggih dengan menambahkan Canon Log melalui upgrade fitur opsional. Setelah kamera diupgrade, Anda dapat menggunakan mode Canon Log untuk merekam file video 4K dan Full HD yang menampilkan rentang dinamis yang meningkat hingga kira-kira. 800% atau 12 berhenti (pada ISO 400 atau di atas), ideal untuk pemrosesan pasca produksi yang ekstensif. Bagi pengguna profesional dan siapa saja yang ingin mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari sensor CMOS brilian EOS 5D Mark IV , Canon Log bisa menjadi fungsi yang sangat diperlukan.
Pemilik kamera EOS 5D Mark IV saat ini akan dapat menerima upgrade Canon Log dengan biaya pengiriman dengan mengirim kamera ke Canon Factory Service Center.

Saat Canon Log disetel, garis suara horisontal mungkin muncul di film tergantung pada kondisi subjek atau pemotretan. Dianjurkan untuk memotret beberapa film uji dan memeriksa sebelum pengambilan gambar sebenarnya. Perhatikan bahwa kebisingan mungkin menjadi lebih terlihat terutama bila Anda menerapkan kontras yang kuat selama gradasi warna pada film tembakan.
Garis-garis noise horizontal cenderung muncul saat subjek gelap dan datar atau [Peripheral illum.] Diatur ke [Enable]. Kebisingan ini juga bisa muncul saat kecepatan ISO relatif rendah, seperti pada ISO 400.
Bila suara bising terlihat, dianjurkan untuk menyetel [Peripheral Illum] ke [Nonaktifkan], menembak dengan pencahayaan yang lebih terang, dan melakukan penyesuaian kecerahan selama gradasi warna. Selain itu, noise mungkin akan berkurang saat Anda memotret pada kecepatan ISO lebih rendah dari ISO 400 (meski rentang dinamisnya akan menyempit).

Canon Log

Spesifikasi :



Digital, single-lens reflex, AF / AE camera

Recording media

CF cards (Type I, UDMA Mode 7 supported)
SD / SDHC* / SDXC* memory cards

*UHS-I cards compatible.

Image sensor size

Approx. 36.0 x 24.0mm

Compatible lenses

Canon EF lenses

*Excluding EF-S and EF-M lenses
(The effective angle of view of a lens is approximately equivalent to that of the focal length indicated.)

Lens mount

Canon EF mount

Image Sensor


CMOS sensor

Effective pixels

Approx. 30.4 megapixels

*Rounded off to the nearest 10,000 pixels.

Aspect ratio


Dust delete feature

Auto / Manual, Appending Dust Delete Data

Recording System

Recording format

Design rule for Camera File System (DCF) 2.0

Image type

JPEG, RAW (14-bit Canon original), RAW + JPEG simultaneous recording possible

Pixels recorded

L (Large):

Approx. 30.1 megapixels (6720 x 4480)

M (Medium):

Approx. 13.3 megapixels (4464 x 2976)

S1 (Small 1):

Approx. 7.5 megapixels (3360 x 2240)

S2 (Small 2):

Approx. 2.5 megapixels (1920 x 1280)

S3 (Small 3):

Approx. 0.35 megapixels (720 x 480)


Approx. 30.1 megapixels (6720 x 4480)


Approx. 16.9 megapixels (5040 x 3360)


Approx. 7.5 megapixels (3360 x 2240)

Dual Pixel RAW


Recording function

Standard, Auto switch card, Record separately, Record to multiple

Create / select a folder


File name

Preset code / User setting 1 / User setting 2

File numbering

Continuous, Auto reset, Manual reset

Image Processing During Shooting

Picture Style

Auto, Standard, Portrait, Landscape, Fine Detail, Neutral, Faithful, Monochrome, User Defined 1 - 3

White balance

Auto (Ambience priority), Auto (White priority), Preset (Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten light, White fluorescent light, Flash), Custom, Color temperature setting (approx. 2500 - 10000 K)
White balance correction and white balance bracketing features provided

*Flash color temperature information transmission possible

Automatic image brightness correction

Auto Lighting Optimizer provided

Noise reduction

Applicable to high ISO speed shots and long exposures

Highlight tone priority


Lens aberration correction

Peripheral illumination correction, Distortion correction, Digital Lens Optimizer, Chromatic aberration correction, Diffraction correction



Eye-level pentaprism


Vertical / Horizontal approx. 100% (with eyepoint approx. 21mm)


Approx. 0.71x (-1m-1 with 50mm lens at infinity)


Approx. 21mm (from eyepiece lens center at -1m-1)

Dioptric adjustment range

Approx. -3.0 - +1.0m-1 (dpt)

Focusing screen


Grid display


Electronic level


Function setting display

Battery (remaining capacity), Shooting mode, White balance, Drive mode, AF operation, Metering mode, Image type: JPEG / RAW, Digital Lens Optimizer, Dual Pixel RAW, Flicker detection, Warning indicator, AF status


Quick-return type

Depth-of-field preview


Autofocus (during viewfinder shooting)


TTL secondary image-registration, phase-difference detection with the dedicated AF sensor

AF points

Max. 61 points (Cross-type AF point: Max. 41 points)

*Number of available AF points, Dual cross-type AF points, and Cross-type AF points vary depending on the lens used.
*f/2.8-sensitive, Dual cross-type AF at five center vertical AF points (AF group: With Group A lenses)

Focusing brightness range

EV -3 - 18
(Conditions: f/2.8-sensitive center AF point, One-Shot AF, room temperature, ISO 100)

Focus operation

One-Shot AF, AI Servo AF, AI Focus AF, Manual focusing (MF)

AF area selection mode

Single-point Spot AF (manual selection), Single-point AF (manual selection), AF point expansion (manual selection: above, below, left, and right), AF point expansion (manual selection: surround), Zone AF (manual selection of zone), Large zone AF (manual selection of zone), Automatic selection AF

AF point automatic selection conditions

Based on EOS iTR AF setting
(Enables AF incorporating human face / color information)
* iTR: Intelligent Tracking and Recognition

AF Configuration Tool

Case 1 - 6

AI Servo AF characteristics

Tracking sensitivity, acceleration / deceleration tracking, AF point auto switching

AF function customization

17 functions

AF fine adjustment

AF Microadjustment (all lenses by the same amount, adjust by lens)

AF-assist beam

Emitted by the EOS-dedicated external Speedlite

Exposure Control

Metering mode

Approx. 150,000-pixel RGB + IR metering sensor and 252-zone TTL open-aperture metering
EOS iSA (Intelligent Subject Analysis) system

  • Evaluative metering (linked to all AF points)
  • Partial metering (approx. 6.1% of viewfinder at center)
  • Spot metering (approx. 1.3% of viewfinder at center)
  • Center-weighted average metering

Metering brightness range

EV 0 - 20 (at room temperature, ISO 100)

Shooting mode

Scene Intelligent Auto, Program AE, Shutter-priority AE, Aperture-priority AE, Manual exposure, Bulb exposure, Custom shooting modes (C1 / C2 / C3)

ISO speed (Recommended exposure index)

Scene Intelligent Auto:

ISO 100 - ISO 12800 set automatically

P, Tv, Av, M, B:

ISO Auto, ISO 100 - ISO 32000 manual setting (in 1/3- or whole-stop increments), and expansion to L (equivalent to ISO 50), H1 (equivalent to ISO 51200), H2 (equivalent to ISO 102400) provided.

*If highlight tone priority is set, the settable ISO speed range will be ISO 200 - ISO 32000.

ISO speed settings

Still photo shooting range, auto range, auto minimum speed settable

Exposure compensation


±5 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments


±3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments (can be combined with manual exposure compensation)

AE lock


Applied in One-Shot AF mode with evaluative metering when focus is achieved


With AE lock button

Flicker reduction


Interval timer

Shooting interval and shot count settable

Bulb timer

Bulb exposure time settable

HDR Shooting

Dynamic range adjustment

Auto, ±1, ±2, ±3


Natural, Art standard, Art vivid, Art bold, Art embossed

Auto image align


Multiple Exposures

Shooting method

Function / control priority, Continuous shooting priority

Number of multiple exposures

2 to 9 exposures

Multiple-exposure control

Additive, Average, Bright, Dark



Electronically-controlled, focal-plane shutter

Shutter speed

1/8000sec. to 30sec. (total shutter speed range; available range varies by shooting mode), Bulb, X-sync at 1/200sec.

Drive System

Drive mode

Single shooting, High-speed continuous shooting, Low-speed continuous shooting, Silent single shooting, Silent continuous shooting, 10-sec. self-timer / remote control, 2-sec. self-timer / remote control

Continuous shooting speed

High-speed continuous shooting:

Max. approx. 7.0 shots/sec.
*Continuous shooting speed decreases during Anti-flicker shooting, during Dual Pixel RAW shooting, during Live View shooting with Servo AF, or with Digital Lens Optimizer set.

*The maximum continuous shooting speed during high-speed continuous shooting may decrease depending on the power source type, battery level, temperature, flicker reduction, Dual Pixel RAW shooting, Digital Lens Optimizer, shutter speed, aperture, subject conditions, brightness, AF operation, lens, flash use, shooting function settings, etc.

Low-speed continuous shooting:

Max. approx. 3.0 shots/sec.

Silent continuous shooting:

Max. approx. 3.0 shots/sec.

Max. burst


Large / Fine:

Approx. 110 shots (Card Full)


Approx. 17 shots (Approx. 21 shots)

RAW + JPEG Large / Fine:

Approx. 13 shots (Approx. 16 shots)

*Based on Canon's standard testing CF card (Standard: 8 GB / High speed: UDMA Mode 7, 64 GB) and Canon's testing standards (high-speed continuous shooting, ISO 100, Standard Picture Style, no IPTC information appended).
*Figures in parentheses apply to an UDMA Mode 7, with a CF card based on Canon's testing standards.
*"Card Full" indicates that shooting is possible until the card becomes full.

External Speedlite

Compatible Speedlites

EX-series Speedlites

Flash metering

E-TTL II autoflash

Flash exposure compensation

±3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments

FE lock


PC terminal


Flash control

Flash function settings, Flash C.Fn settings

Live View Shooting

Focus method

Dual pixel CMOS AF

AF method

Face + Tracking, FlexiZone - Multi, FlexiZone - Single Manual focusing (approx. 5x and 10x magnification available for focus check)

Focusing brightness range

EV -4 - 18 (at room temperature, ISO 100, One-Shot AF)

Metering mode

Evaluative metering (315 zones), Partial metering (approx. 6.3% of Live View screen), Spot metering (approx. 2.7% of Live View screen), Center-weighted average metering

Metering brightness range

EV 0 - 20 (at room temperature, ISO 100)

Exposure compensation

±3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments

Silent Live View shooting

Provided (Mode 1 and 2)

Touch shutter


Grid display

3 types

Movie Shooting

Recording format




Motion JPEG

Full HD / HD:

MPEG-4 AVC / H.264 variable (average) bit rate



Linear PCM



Movie recording size

4K (4096 x 2160), Full HD (1920 x 1080), HD (1280 x 720: High Frame Rate movie)

Frame rate

119.9p / 59.94p / 29.97p / 24.00p / 23.98p (with NTSC)
100.0p / 50.00p / 25.00p / 24.00p (with PAL)
* 119.9p / 100.0p: High Frame Rate movie

Movie recording method / Compression rate

Motion JPEG
ALL-I (For editing / I-only), IPB (Standard), IPB (Light)
* Motion JPEG and ALL-I available only when MOV is set.
* IPB (Light) available only when MP4 is set.

Bit rate


4K (29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p):

Approx. 500Mbps

Full HD (59.94p / 50.00p) / ALL-I:

Approx. 180Mbps

Full HD (59.94p / 50.00p) / IPB:

Approx. 60Mbps

Full HD (29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p) / ALL-I

Approx. 90Mbps

Full HD (29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p) / IPB (Standard)

Approx. 30Mbps

HD (119.9p / 100.0p) / ALL-I:

Approx. 160 Mbps


Full HD (59.94p / 50.00p) / IPB (Standard)

Approx. 60Mbps

Full HD (29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p) / IPB (Standard)

Approx. 30Mbps

Full HD (29.97p / 25.00p) / IPB (Light)

Approx. 12Mbps

Card performance requirements (Writing / reading speed):

4K (29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p)

: CF UDMA 7: 100 MB/sec. or faster

: SD UHS-I Speed Class 3 or faster

Full HD (59.94p / 50.00p) / ALL-I

CF UDMA 7: 60 MB/sec. or faster

: SD UHS-I Speed Class 3 or faster

Full HD (59.94p / 50.00p) / IPB

CF 30 MB/sec. or faster
SD Speed Class 10 or faster

Full HD (29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p) / ALL-I

CF 30 MB/sec. or faster
SD UHS-I Speed Class 3 or faster

Full HD (29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p) / IPB (Standard)

CF 10 MB/sec. or faster
SD Speed Class 6 or faster

Full HD (29.97p / 25.00p) / IPB (Light)

CF 10 MB/sec. or faster
SD Speed Class 4 or faster

HD (119.9p / 100.0p)

CF UDMA 7: 60MB/sec. or faster
SD UHS-I Speed Class 3 or faster

Focus method

Dual pixel CMOS AF

AF method

Face + Tracking, FlexiZone - Multi, FlexiZone - Single Manual focusing (approx. 5x and 10x magnification available for focus check)

Movie servo AF

* Movie Servo AF customizable

Focusing brightness range

EV -4 - 18 (at room temperature, ISO 100, One-Shot AF)

Metering mode

Center-weighted average and Evaluative metering with the image sensor
* Automatically set by the focus method

Metering brightness range

EV 0 - 20 (at room temperature, ISO 100, with center-weighted average metering)

Exposure control

Autoexposure shooting (Program AE for movie shooting), Shutter-priority AE, Aperture-priority AE, Manual exposure

Exposure compensation

±3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments

ISO speed (Recommended exposure index)

[Full HD]

Scene Intelligent Auto:

Automatically set within ISO 100 - ISO 25600

P / Tv / Av / B:

Automatically set within ISO 100 - ISO 25600, expandable to H (equivalent to ISO 32000), H1 (equivalent to ISO 51200), H2 (equivalent to ISO 102400)


ISO Auto (automatically set within ISO 100 - ISO 25600), ISO 100 - ISO 25600 manual setting (in 1/3- or whole-stop increments), expandable to H (equivalent to ISO 32000), H1 (equivalent to ISO 51200), H2 (equivalent to ISO 102400)

*The settable range is different for HDR movie shooting and time-lapse movie shooting.


Scene Intelligent Auto:

Automatically set within ISO 100 - ISO 12800

P / Tv / Av / B:

Automatically set within ISO 100 - ISO 12800, expandable to H (equivalent to ISO 16000 / 20000 / 25600 / 32000), H1 (equivalent to ISO 51200), H2 (equivalent to ISO 102400)


ISO Auto (automatically set within ISO 100 - ISO 12800), ISO 100 - ISO 12800 manual setting (in 1/3- or whole-stop increments), expandable to H (equivalent to ISO 16000 / 20000 / 25600 / 32000), H1 (equivalent to ISO 51200), H2 (equivalent to ISO 102400)

ISO speed settings

Range for movie shooting and 4K settable

Time code


Drop frames

Compatible with 119.9p / 59.94p / 29.97p

Sound recording

Built-in monaural microphone, external stereo microphone terminal provided
Sound-recording level adjustable, wind filter provided, attenuator provided


Headphone terminal provided, sound volume adjustable

Grid display

3 types

HDR movie shooting


Time-lapse movie

Shooting interval and shot count settable
Required shooting time period, playback length, and remaining card capacity can be checked

2-screen display

LCD monitor and HDMI output movie displayable simultaneously

HDMI output

Image without information can be output.
*Auto / 59.94i / 50.00i / 59.94p / 50.00p / 23.98p selectable.
*When [24.00p: Enable] is set, the movie image is output at 24.00p via HDMI.
*Time code appendable

Remote control shooting


Accessory mount

Bottom equipped with positioning hole to prevent rotation.

Still photo shooting

Not possible during movie shooting.

LCD Monitor


TFT color, liquid-crystal monitor

Monitor size and dots

Wide 8.1cm (3.2i.n) (3:2) with approx. 1.62 million dots

Brightness adjustment

Auto (Dark, Standard, Bright), Manual (7 levels)

Color tone adjustment

Warm tone / Standard / Cool tone 1 / Cool tone 2

Electronic level


Interface languages


Touch screen

Capacitive sensing

Help display



Image display format

Single-image display (without shooting information), Single-image display (with basic information), Single-image display (Shooting information displayed: Detailed information, Lens / histogram, White balance, Picture Style 1, Picture Style 2, Color space / noise reduction, Lens aberration correction 1, Lens aberration correction 2, GPS information, IPTC information), Index display (4 / 9 / 36 / 100 images), Two-image display

Highlight alert

Overexposed highlights blink

AF point display

Provided (may not be displayed depending on shooting conditions)

Grid display

3 types

Magnified view

Approx. 1.5x-10x, initial magnification and position settable

Image browsing method

Single image, Jump by 10 or 100 images, By shooting date, By folder, By movies, By stills, By protected images, By rating

Image rotation


Image protection




Movie playback

Enabled (LCD monitor, HDMI)

Start / end movie scene editing


4K Frame Grab

Frame Grab can be saved as JPEG image.

Slide show

All images, By date, By folder, By movies, By stills, By protected images, By rating

Copying images


Post-Processing of Images

In-camera RAW image processing

Brightness adjustment, White balance, Picture Style, Auto Lighting Optimizer, High ISO speed noise reduction, JPEG image-recording quality, Color space, Lens aberration correction (Peripheral illumination correction, Distortion correction, Digital lens optimizer, Chromatic aberration correction, Diffraction correction)





Image Transfer

Transferrable files

Still photos (JPEG, RAW, RAW + JPEG images), Movies

Print Ordering


Version 1.1 compliant

Wi-Fi Functions

Standards compliance

IEEE 802.11b/g/n

Transmission method

DS-SS modulation (IEEE 802.11b)
OFDM modulation (IEEE 802.11g/n)

Transmission range

Approx. 15m / 49.2ft.
* When connected to a smartphone
* With no obstructions between the transmitting and receiving antennas and no radio interference

Transmission frequency (central frequency)


2412 to 2462 MHz


1 to 11 ch

Connection method

Camera access point mode, infrastructure*, ad hoc mode
* Wi-Fi Protected Setup supported


Authentication method: Open system, Shared key, WPA / WPA2-PSK
Encryption: WEP, TKIP, AES

NFC connection

For communication with smartphones or connection to Connect Station

Connection to smartphones

Images can be viewed, controlled, and received using a smartphone.
Remote control of the camera using a smartphone is possible.
Images can be sent to a smartphone.

Connect to Connect Station

Images can be sent to and saved on Connect Station.

Remote operation using EOS Utility

Remote control functions and image viewing functions of EOS Utility can be used wirelessly.

Print from Wi-Fi printers

Images to be printed can be sent to a printer supporting Wi-Fi.

Transfer images to an FTP server

Automatic transfer, Transfer selected images, Transfer with SET, and Transfer with caption.
* FTPS supported

Send images to a Web service

Images in the camera or links to images can be sent to registered Web services.

GPS Functions

Compatible satellites

GPS satellites (USA), GLONASS satellites (Russia), Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) MICHIBIKI (Japan)

GPS signal reception modes

Mode 1, Mode 2

Geotag information appended to image

Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Satellite signal acquisition status

Position update interval

1sec., 5sec., 10sec., 15sec., 30sec., 1 min., 2 min., 5 min.

Time setting

GPS time data set to camera

Log data

One file per day, NMEA format
*Change in time zone creates another file.
*The log data saved in internal memory can be transferred to a card or downloaded to a computer as a log file.

Log data deletion


Customization Features

Custom Functions

17 functions

Custom Quick Control


Custom shooting modes

Register under C1, C2, or C3 mode

My Menu

Up to 5 screens can be registered

Copyright information

Text entry and appending possible

IPTC information



DIGITAL terminal

SuperSpeed USB (USB 3.0)
Computer communication, Wireless File Transmitter WFT-E7 (Ver. 2), Connect Station CS100 connection

HDMI mini OUT terminal

Type C (Auto switching of resolution), CEC-compatible

External microphone IN terminal

3.5mm diameter stereo mini-jack
Directional Stereo Microphone DM-E1 connection

Headphone terminal

3.5mm diameter stereo mini-jack

Remote control terminal

For N3-type remote control units

Wireless remote control

Compatible with Remote Controller RC-6

Eye-Fi card




Battery Pack LP-E6N / LP-E6, quantity 1
*AC power usable with household power outlet accessories.

Battery information

Power source, Battery level, Shutter count, Recharge performance, Battery registration indicated

Number of possible shots

With viewfinder shooting:

Approx. 900 shots at room temperature (23°C / 73°F), approx. 850 shots at low temperatures (0°C / 32°F)

With Live View shooting:

Approx. 300 shots at room temperature (23°C / 73°F), approx. 280 shots at low temperatures (0°C / 32°F)
* With a fully-charged Battery Pack LP-E6N

Movie shooting time

Total approx. 1 hr. 30 min. at room temperature (23°C / 73°F)
Total approx. 1 hr. 20 min. at low temperatures (0°C / 32°F)
*With a fully-charged Battery Pack LP-E6N, Movie Servo AF disabled, and Full HD 29.97p / 25.00p / 24.00p / 23.98p IPB (Standard).

Dimensions and Weight

Dimensions (W x H x D)

Approx. 150.7 x 116.4 x 75.9mm / 5.93 x 4.58 x 2.99in.


Approx. 890g / 31.39oz. (Including battery, CF card, SD memory card), Approx. 800g / 28.22oz. (Body only)

Operation Environment

Working temperature range

0 - 40°C / 32 - 104°F

Working humidity

85% or less

Battery Pack LP-E6N


Rechargeable lithium-ion battery

Rated voltage

7.2V DC

Battery capacity


Working temperature range

0 - 40°C / 32 - 104°F

Working humidity

85% or less

Dimensions (W x H x D)

Approx. 38.4 x 21.0 x 56.8mm / 1.51 x 0.83 x 2.24in.


Approx. 80g / 2.82oz. (excluding protective cover)

Battery Charger LC-E6

Compatible battery

Battery Pack LP-E6N / LP-E6

Recharge time

Approx. 2hr. 30min. (at room temperature)

Rated input

100 - 240V AC (50 / 60Hz)

Rated output

8.4V DC / 1.2A

Working temperature range

5 - 40°C / 41 - 104°F

Working humidity

85% or less

Dimensions (W x H x D)

Approx. 69.0 x 33.0 x 93.0mm / 2.7 x 1.3 x 3.7in.


Approx. 115g / 4.1oz.

Battery Charger LC-E6E

Compatible battery

Battery Pack LP-E6N / LP-E6

Power cord length

Approx. 1m / 3.3ft.

Recharging time

Approx. 2hr. 30min.

Rated input

100 - 240 V AC (50 / 60Hz)

Rated output

8.4V DC / 1.2A

Working temperature range

5 - 40°C / 41 - 104°F

Working humidity

85% or less

Dimensions (W x H x D)

Approx. 69.0 x 33.0 x 93.0mm / 2.7 x 1.3 x 3.7in.


Approx. 110g / 3.9oz. (excluding power cord)
