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Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Ivy League

Courses and Specializations

Al Filreis

Al Filreis

Kelly Professor, Dir. Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, Faculty Dir. Kelly Writers House

Alan Barstow, Ph.D.

Amol S. Navathe, MD, PhD

Amol S. Navathe, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy

Amrita V. Subramanian

Amrita V. Subramanian

Executive Coach & Senior Consultant, Doctoral candidate (Ph.D. 2019)

Organizational Dynamics

Andrew Kandel

Angela Duckworth, Ph.D.

Angus Corbett

Barbara E. Kahn

Barbara E. Kahn

Professor of Marketing and Director, Jay H. Baker Retailing Center

The Wharton School

Brandon Krakowsky

Brian McManus

CJ Taylor

CJ Taylor

Professor of Computer and Information Science

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Cade Massey

Christian Terwiesch

Christian Terwiesch

Andrew M. Heller Professor at the Wharton School, Senior Fellow Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics Co-Director, Mack Institute of Innovation Management

The Wharton School

Christopher Geczy

Christopher D. Ittner

Claire Robertson-Kraft, Ph.D.

Cynthia Dahl

Damon Centola

Damon Centola

Professor of Communication, Sociology and Communication

Dana Kaminstein, Ph.D.

Daniel E. Koditschek

Daniel E. Koditschek

Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Daniel Lee

Daniel Lee

Professor of Electrical and Systems Engineering

School of Engineering and Applied Science

David Galligan

David Galligan

Professor of Animal Health Economics

School of Veterinary Medicine

David Hsu

David Hsu

Richard A. Sapp Professor of Management

The Wharton School

David P. Silverman

David P. Silverman

Eckley Brinton Coxe, Jr. Professor of Egyptology

Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations

Derek Newberry, Ph.D.

Don Huesman

Don Huesman

Managing Director, Wharton Online

Innovation Group- Wharton School

Dr. Uri Hangorsky

Dr. Uri Hangorsky

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs/ Director PASS

School of Dental Medicine

Dr. Michael Charles Johanek

Dr. Aviva Legatt

Dr. John L. Puckett

Dr. Thomas P. Sollecito

Dr. Eric Stoopler

Dr. Sean Vereen

Eric Bradlow

Eric Bradlow

Professor of Marketing, Statistics, and Education, Chairperson, Wharton Marketing Department, Vice Dean and Director, Wharton Doctoral Program, Co-Director, Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative

The Wharton School

Eric J. Furda

Erick Hyde

Erick Hyde

University Connection Counseling Specialist

English Language Programs

Ethan Mollick

Ethan Mollick

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of Management- Wharton School

Eve Litt

Eve Litt

Language Specialist

English Language Programs

Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, PhD

Femida Handy

Femida Handy

Professor of Social Practice

School of Social Policy and Practice

Guy David, PhD

Guy David, PhD

Gilbert and Shelley Harrison Associate Professor of Health Care Management

Department of Health Care Management

Ian "Mac" MacMillan

Ian Nichols

Ian Nichols

Language Specialist

English Language Programs

Jack Sullivan

Jagmohan Raju

Jagmohan Raju

Joseph J. Aresty Professor

Marketing, The Wharton School

James Pawelski, Ph.D.

James Riedel

James D. Thompson

Jason A. Roy, Ph.D.

Jessica Wachter

Jessica Wachter

Dr. Bruce I. Jacobs Professor in Quantitative Finance


Jianbo Shi

Jianbo Shi

Professor of Computer and Information Science

School of Engineering and Applied Science

John Cotton

John Cotton

Manager of Instructional Staff Development

English Language Programs

Jonah Berger

Jorge Santiago-Aviles

Karen Reivich, Ph.D.

Katherine Klein

Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD

Kevin Volpp, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine, Division of Health Policy / Professor of Health Care Management

Perelman School of Medicine / The Wharton School

Kevin Werbach

Kostas Daniilidis

Kostas Daniilidis

Professor of Computer and Information Science

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Lauren Steinfeld

Lisa M. Barker

Lynn Wu

Lynn Wu

Associate Professor

Operations, Information and Decisions

Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D.

Martine Haas

Martine Haas

Associate Professor of Management

The Wharton School

Matthew Bidwell

Maurice Schweitzer

Mauro Guillen

Mauro Guillen

Professor of International Management

Director of the Lauder Institute of Management and International Studies

Michael R Roberts

Michael R Roberts

William H. Lawrence Professor of Finance, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania


Michael Weisberg

Mrs.  Russell  Willis  Taylor

Natasha Sarin

Noah Gans

Noah Gans

Anheuser-Busch Professor of Management Science, Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

The Wharton School

Pam Grossman

Pam Grossman

Dean and George and Diane Weiss Professor of Education

Graduate School of Education

Peter Cappelli

Peter Cappelli

Professor of Management, Director, Center for Human Resources

The Wharton School

Peter Fader

Peter Fader

Professor of Marketing and Co-Director of the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative

The Wharton School

Peter Struck

Prasanna Tambe

Prasanna Tambe

Associate Professor of Operations

Information and Decisions

Professor Kermit Roosevelt, III

R. Polk Wagner


Rebecca Stein

Richard Waterman

Robert Ghrist

Robert Ghrist


Mathematics and Electrical & Systems Engineering

Robert W. Holthausen

Robyn Turner

Robyn Turner

Senior Language Specialist

English Language Programs

Ron Berman

Ron Berman

Assistant Professor of Marketing

The Wharton School

Santiago Gallino

Santiago Gallino

Charles W. Evans Distinguished Faculty Scholar Associate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions

The Wharton School

Senthil Veeraraghavan

Shyam Balganesh

Sid Deliwala

Sid Deliwala

Director, Electrical and Systems Engineering Labs and Lecturer, Electrical and Systems Engineering

Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering

Stephen Morse

Stephen Morse

Ferdinand Wakeman Hubbell Professor of Law; Professor of Psychology and Law in Psychiatry; Associate Director, Center for Neuroscience & Society

Penn Law

Stewart D.  Friedman

Stewart D. Friedman

Practice Professor of Management and Director of the Wharton Work/Life Integration Project

The Wharton School

Susan Davidson

Susan Sauvé Meyer

Tess Wilkinson-Ryan

Theodore Ruger

Tobias Barrington Wolff

Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar

Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering and Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Wharton Teaching Staff

Witold Henisz

Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Ivy League
